Onshore Services

Danmadu retains its status as an independent marketer and is duly registered with IPMAN & NNPC TRADING, we partner with the different entities; NNPC RETAIL, RAINOIL, HYDE ENERGY, JERSEYSHORE MARINE TRANSPORT, PLUS PETROLEUM, PROPETROL, ADDISCOMBE ENERGY and FAVERSHAM ENERGY.

We engage in the supply and distribution of refined petroleum product and we are also tendering to supply Total Nigeria Limited and SPDC at their onshore locations whilst retaining services with several government ministries and agencies such as Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, National Orientation Agency.

Our Partnership with Addiscombe Energy is with respect to Gas in general - ranging from LPG, CNG and LNG. DanMadu Oil operates out of 3 retail outlets in the Nation's captial with a fleet of ten(10) delivery trucks of 45,000 litres capacity each.


Our Partners